Leaders & Legacies

Craig Andrews

The Leaders & Legacies Podcast celebrates leaders who are making a difference beyond themselves. It was inspired from events in 2021 when the host, Craig Andrews went into a 6-week coma. Even after waking up, his brain was scrambled for another two weeks. When his mind cleared, his wife started telling him how his team stepped up and ran the company without him. Freelancers reached out to his team and offered to do whatever was necessary while he was in the hospital. Craig believes we all make an impact greater than we realize and wants to honor owners and founders as they lead others. Craig Andrews is the founder and Principal Ally at allies4me. He’s been in the marketing space for more than two decades and has driven over a half-billion dollars of revenue. He’s spoken on dozens of podcast as well as conferences including Conversion Conference. read less


101 - Leading by Letting Go - Atiba de Souza's Blueprint for Team Autonomy
5d ago
101 - Leading by Letting Go - Atiba de Souza's Blueprint for Team Autonomy
Atiba de Souza is a renowned Super Connector and video content Superman. Atiba shares his revolutionary approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of relationships and networking as the foundation of successful business ventures. His unique method, the CASE method, is highlighted as a game-changer for scaling teams and transforming leadership from an art to a science.Atiba recounts a pivotal moment when, after a conference, he returned to find his team stalled, awaiting his direction. This experience ignited a transformative journey, culminating in the development of the CASE method, a tool designed to empower leaders to delegate effectively, ensuring continuous growth and scalability. Through a detailed breakdown of the CASE method, Atiba illustrates how leaders can replicate their skills within their teams, fostering independence and efficiency.Craig Andrews and Atiba de Souza's conversation is not just about overcoming leadership challenges; it's a testament to the power of introspection, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of growth, both personal and professional.Want to learn more about Atiba de Souza's work? Check out their website at https://clientattractionpros.com/.Connect with Atiba de Souza on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/atibadesouza/.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.
100 - From Doubt to Dominance - How Kris Kelso Transforms Leadership Anxiety into Strength
6d ago
100 - From Doubt to Dominance - How Kris Kelso Transforms Leadership Anxiety into Strength
Kris Kelso is a thought leader in the realms of entrepreneurship and leadership development. Kelso, author of the transformative book "Overcoming the Imposter: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence," dives deep into the heart of impostor syndrome—a phenomenon that silently afflicts countless leaders, making them doubt their achievements and fear being exposed as frauds. Through personal anecdotes and years of mentoring others, Kelso reveals how this syndrome is not a barrier but a common thread among high achievers.Kris stresses the importance of embracing vulnerability and reframing failure as a fundamental part of the learning process, rather than evidence of inadequacy. Kelso's insights into developing what he calls 'humble confidence'—the ability to admit what you don't know and trust in your capacity to learn—resonate profoundly with listeners. This conversation not only demystifies the feelings of fraudulence that many leaders face but also provides practical advice on leveraging these challenges to foster genuine growth and confidence in leadership roles. Kelso's book serves as both a guide and a companion for those looking to navigate the complexities of leadership with authenticity and resilience.Want to learn more about Kris Kelso's work? Check out his website at https://www.kriskelso.com/.Connect with Kris Kelso on LinkedIn at LinkedIn.com/in/kris-kelso/Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.
99 - Narrowly Escaping Death and the Importance of Micro Moments with Christian Espinosa
May 9 2024
99 - Narrowly Escaping Death and the Importance of Micro Moments with Christian Espinosa
Cybersecurity expert Christian Espinosa shares his transformative journey from narrowly surviving health crises to redefining leadership in the tech industry. Hosted by Craig Andrews, the conversation delves into how Espinosa's brush with death twice not only heightened his appreciation for life but also reshaped his approach to leading teams and building businesses in the cybersecurity field.Espinosa's narrative weaves through the challenges and realizations that prompted him to prioritize emotional intelligence alongside technical skills within his leadership style. By intertwining tales of personal adversity with professional triumphs, he highlights the crucial role empathy and connection play in fostering effective teams and client relationships. His venture into securing medical devices is particularly poignant, stemming from his own experiences within the healthcare system, showcasing a deep commitment to leveraging his expertise for societal benefit.Through his story, Espinosa advocates for a leadership paradigm that values emotional depth and human connection as much as technical prowess. His journey embodies the profound impact that personal growth can have on professional excellence, offering valuable lessons on resilience, empathy, and the significance of life's micro-moments. The episode is a compelling reminder of the transformative power of integrating emotional intelligence into the fabric of leadership, especially in fields driven by innovation and technical skill.Want to learn more about Christian's work? Check out their website at https://bluegoatcyber.com. Connect with Christian on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianespinosa/. Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/. Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.
96 - The Entrepreneurial Dentist - How Dr. Pearce Redefined Dental Practice Success
Apr 30 2024
96 - The Entrepreneurial Dentist - How Dr. Pearce Redefined Dental Practice Success
Dr. David Pearce, a seasoned dentist and entrepreneurial coach, unpacks the essence of transcendent leadership and business acumen in the context of dentistry. His narrative is a masterclass in resilience, showcasing how he scaled his practice to the pinnacle of financial success, only to pivot towards nurturing the business skills of fellow dentists. Dr. Pearce demystifies the misconception that clinical expertise alone can drive a dental practice to prosperity. He stresses the importance of embracing the sales aspect of dentistry, advocating for a consultative approach that aligns patient needs with practice offerings.His insights extend beyond dentistry, touching on universal themes of leadership, team empowerment, and the pursuit of personal growth. Pearce's journey illustrates that the real victory in entrepreneurship lies in leveraging one's failures as stepping stones to greatness. He champions a culture where team members are encouraged to innovate, take calculated risks, and own their developmental trajectory, thereby enhancing both the business and their personal lives.Want to learn more about David's work? Check out their website at https://UltimateSuccess.Dentist.Connect with David on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-r-pearce-dds/.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.allies4me.com/podcast-guest/.Want to learn more about Craig Andrew's work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.